Friday, March 9, 2012

Did Bioware steal the their Dragon Age 2 Qunari from the Inheritance Cycle's Urgal's.?

Now that I played Dragon Age 2 and read the entire Inheritance cycle I can't feel but questioning after the design of the new Qunari. They remind of the Urgal's from Eragon, cause that's how they looked to me when I read. I feel that the regal Urgals remind me of normal Qunari and that the Kull remind me of the Arishok, has anyone else noticed this too? And is this coincidence?Did Bioware steal the their Dragon Age 2 Qunari from the Inheritance Cycle's Urgal's.?
I haven't read any of the Eragon books but after a quick crash course on Urgals I can most definitely see your point as they are both large, horned and intimidating looking. However I think it really is just a coincidence. The Qunari redesign was done to differentiate the appearance of the Kossith from humans and bring them more in line with their darkspawn counterpart the ogre.

Plus the Urgal seem to be more like Tolkien's orc as for the fact that they live in tribal societies and have their culture centered around warfare. Even the Kull seem to resemble the Uruk-hai with the one difference being that the Kull are Urgal whereas the Uruks are half-orcs. The Qunari on the otherhand are a expansive theocracy inspired by what was the real life Ottoman Empire.

But for appearances I can easily see why you might think this. I woudn't get too caught up in it. The physical similarities I would think are just a coincidence and seem to be common fantasy tropes.

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