Friday, March 9, 2012

How do you get into Mass Effect?

I know this is kind of a weird question, but I'm having trouble getting into it. I loved Dragon Age so I thought this would be perfect for me, but it's difficult to embrace, I don't know where I'd go to get jobs, buy good weapons, I don't even understand where to go to continue the storyline, it's all a bit difficult to comprehend for me. I want to get into it since I love Bioware, but I'm finding it hard. Any thoughts?How do you get into Mass Effect?
It's easier to start with Mass Effect (hereafter known as ME). My friend loved Dragon Age (DA), but couldn't get into ME because of the real time shooting.

The game starts you off on a remote planet. From there, it's very linear. If you're on the citadel, continue reading the quest logs to know where to go next. Get to know the key locations. Visit EVERY transit hub (the transit hubs make travel OH SO MUCH easier). And random wandering does a lot for the lost person. There's also a mini-map in your menu.

When you get back to the citadel, you're supposed to find evidence that Saren was behind the Eden Prime Sabotage. You'll meet the majority of your team there in the Citadel. It's not important to change up who's in your group. If you find one that works (much like DA), then stick with it. I like Garrus for the sniping and Liara for the biotics.

ME is actually less complex than DA (I never actually finished DA), but the citadel is guaranteed the most complicating part about the game. They'll tell you exactly where to go, and you just find a transit terminal to take you there.How do you get into Mass Effect?
Though it is made by the same developer ME is a completely different experience. Probably the only thing the two series have in common are the roleplaying elements. I would suggest looking up a good detailed guide for your class and a game walk through. Once you have some direction it should be easier to get in to it on your own.

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